Warning Signs Of Problem Gambling

If someone you know exhibits any of the warning signs below, they may have developed a gambling problem. Preoccupied with gambling (i.e., reliving past gambling experiences, planning the next venture, or thinking of ways to get money with which to gamble) Secretive about his/her gambling habits, and defensive when confronted. Signs and symptoms of compulsive gambling (gambling disorder) include: Being preoccupied with gambling, such as constantly planning how to get more gambling money Needing to gamble with increasing amounts of money to get the same thrill Trying to control, cut back or stop gambling, without success. A gambling addiction, also called gambling disorder, is the compulsive need to gamble despite negative consequences. Characterized by a lack of impulse control, the disorder drives a person to continue the gambling behavior even when it damages relationships, finances, and work or school performance. Warning Signs of a Gambling Addiction. Problem Gambling Warning Signs: Identifying a Problem? 14 Getting Help 18 Resources 21 10 Not Just a Financial Issue: The Consequences of Problem Gambling TABLE OF. Gambling is recognised as a serious addiction. For the 2018 World Cup, the amount of money spent on gambling is expected to hit £2.5 billion in the UK, and over 400,000 of us are identified as problem gamblers. People are also concerned with the rise of problematic use of social media and video games.

Many people view problem gambling as a “hidden addiction.” That’s because unlike substance use disorders, which have more obvious signs — a smell on the person’s breath or clothes, or intoxicated behaviors — gambling has no apparent physical indicators. It could even be as discreet as someone spending a little bit more time on their phone than usual. By the time you understand what is going on, the person may have already developed a true gambling problem.

How can you recognize the early warning signs of problem gambling before it turns into something worse? Check out this video and read more about what to watch for:

Change in Mood or Personality

Warning Signs Of Problem Gambling Problems


There’s no denying that 2020 has been a stressful year for just about everyone, and many of us may be more depressed or irritable than usual. But if someone shows a sudden change in behavior that doesn’t seem to be related to any external factors such as a job loss or concern for a loved one, then you may want to try and get to the source of the change. Someone who is beginning to have a problem with gambling may show some of the following behavioral changes:

  • Getting frustrated easily or lashing out
  • Appear anxious or agitated frequently
  • Feel depressed or hopeless
  • Become more withdrawn

Change in Free Time Activities

Has someone close to you changed how they spend their free time? Some of us may have had to cut back on activities we used to enjoy, like frequenting the gym or participating in a weekly game night with friends. However, if an avid reader or musician suddenly stops practicing their hobby and is spending more time away from home or gambling on their phone or computer, then it’s possible that they are developing a problem. If they become defensive and deny it, they may be trying to hide how often they gamble.

What Should You Do If Someone Is Showing Signs of a Gambling Problem?

The earlier you notice the signs for a potential gambling problem, the sooner you can act. Here are some tips on how to start the conversation:

Help Is Always Available Through 800-GAMBLER

Taking care of the mental health of both yourself and loved ones during a pandemic and heading into the holiday season is more challenging than ever. If you think that you or someone you know is showing the early warning signs of a gambling problem, don’t hesitate to get help. Find the resources you need to get started on our website or contact our free, confidential helpline any time at 800-GAMBLER.


Gambling addiction is a type of impulse-control disorder where you have little or no control over your urge to gamble, even when you are aware that your actions can hurt yourself and others and even when the odds are against you.

Warning Signs Of Problem Gambling Related

There is often an underlying issue which causes you to start gambling. Examples may include stress caused by problems at work, unresolved issues within a relationship, drug or alcohol addiction, or a form of escapism from bereavement or any difficult emotional period in your life.

SignsWarning Signs Of Problem Gambling

At Priory, we understand that acknowledging you have a gambling problem and seeking help can be difficult at first. Whether you have lost a significant amount of money on one bet or over a period of time, your gambling addiction can be rectified no matter how severe your habit.

Our approach to treating gambling addiction symptoms involves psychological support or intervention therapy sessions using evidence-based approaches to initially help to understand the reasons why you have developed a gambling addiction, which can be further explored as part of individual or group therapy sessions at one of our specialist addiction treatment centres.

Feeling a constant urge to gamble even when you are already in a difficult financial situation, or gambling as a way out of financial difficulty are both common symptoms of a gambling addiction. Gambling addiction can also cause problems in relationships and at work, while the cost of funding a gambling addiction can become a huge burden as well as an emotional pressure.

Warning Signs Of Problem Gambling Disorders

Common symptoms of a gambling addiction

Warning Signs Of Problem Gambling Use

Gambling addiction may be caused by underlying stress linked to a difficult time in your life, whether work, relationship or financially related, as well as having an addictive personality prone to compulsive behaviour.